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A Fun Guide to Teaching Kids the Importance of Proper Handwashing

Proper handwashing technique is crucial in preventing the spread of germs and illnesses among children. Build time into daily routines for children to wash their hands at key times with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Make it fun with colourful illustrations, songs and games. Use a calendar as a reminder for daily practice and see children enjoy fewer missed days at school.

Children come into contact with many different types of germs at school. These can include common cold and flu viruses, and bacteria as well as more serious illnesses such as gastrointestinal and respiratory illnesses. They can also come into contact with bacteria that cause stomach upsets and skin infections. Germs can be easily picked up from surfaces in the classroom, such as desks and door handles, as well as from other children through close contact. Additionally, children could be exposed to germs in the school's restrooms and canteens, therefore correct hand hygiene at key time must be reinforced in every school.

Types of Viruses at School

Children come into contact with a wide variety of germs and bacteria at school. Some of the most common types include:

  • Cold and flu viruses: These are highly contagious and can spread easily through the air or by touching contaminated surfaces. Children may experience symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, and cough.

  • Strep throat: This is a bacterial infection that can cause sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. It is spread through close contact with an infected person.

  • Meningitis: This is a serious bacterial infection that affects the brain and spinal cord. It can cause fever, headache, and a stiff neck. It can be spread through close contact with an infected person or by coming into contact with the bacteria that cause meningitis.

  • Stomach bugs: These are caused by a variety of different viruses and bacteria. They can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. They are spread through contact with contaminated surfaces or by coming into contact with an infected person.

  • Skin infections: These include conditions such as ringworm. They are caused by bacteria and fungi and are spread through close contact with an infected person or by coming into contact with contaminated surfaces.

It's important to note that some germs and bacteria are more contagious than others, and some are more serious than others. Therefore teaching children good hand hygiene practices, at key times such as after going to the toilet, before eating lunch, after playing and before coming into the class is important.

Handwashing in Schools

Studies have shown that many children do not wash their hands as thoroughly or as often as they should. Factors that can contribute to this include lack of access to soap and water, lack of understanding of the importance of handwashing, and lack of knowledge on the correct handwashing technique.

Some children may not know how long to wash their hands for, or may not know how to properly lather and scrub their hands or dry their hands properly. This can lead to incomplete cleaning of the hands and an increased risk of germs being transmitted.

Another factor that might contribute to the lack of knowledge about handwashing is the lack of frequent emphasis. Though handwashing education is becoming more common in schools, it should be a priority in the curriculum with adequate instruction on the importance of handwashing and correct technique.

It is important to note that good hand hygiene is an important aspect of infection control and preventing the spread of diseases, thus providing education and instruction on correct handwashing, along with providing the necessary facilities, is fundamental in promoting good hygiene practices among children.

When handwashing facilities are easily accessible and made more appealing to children, such as through the use of fun soaps and bubbles it can also increase uptake. Supervision and assisting children with handwashing as needed. Younger children and children with certain disabilities that may limit their capability to move, or disabilities that make it difficult to follow instructions, may initially need help with washing their hands.

It's worth noting that the COVID-19 pandemic has raised awareness of the importance of hand hygiene and the role it plays in preventing the spread of disease. Many schools have implemented hand hygiene protocols and education programs to increase compliance rates among students and staff. Why not, add a more fun element of placing a visual cue such a calendar with vibrant colours near your handwash facility.

Teaching Handwashing

Teaching children to wash their hands is an improperly portant step in protecting them from germs and bacteria. Germs and bacteria can be found on many surfaces and are easily spread through contact. When children touch their eyes, nose or mouth after coming into contact with germs, they can become infected.

Proper hand washing involves using soap and warm water, and scrubbing the hands for at least 20 seconds, which is the time recommended by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This helps to remove any dirt, grime and germs from the skin. Additionally, it is also important to teach children to dry their hands thoroughly as damp hands can harbour more germs.

By teaching children to wash their hands properly and regularly, it can significantly reduce the spread of germs and illnesses in the school setting and help keep them healthy. It is also important to teach children when to wash their hands, such as after using the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing their nose or sneezing.

Life is better with clean hands

Teaching proper technique for handwashing to children can have multiple benefits. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Reducing the spread of germs and illnesses: By teaching children the correct technique for handwashing, they are more likely to effectively remove germs and bacteria from their hands. This can help to reduce the spread of illnesses in the school setting and keep children healthy.

  • Improving overall hygiene: Teaching proper handwashing technique can help children develop good hygiene habits that they can carry with them throughout their lives. This can help to prevent the spread of germs and illnesses not only at school but also at home and in the community.

  • Raising awareness about the importance of hand hygiene: By teaching children the proper technique for handwashing, it can also raise their awareness of the importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of germs and illnesses. This can help to promote a culture of good hygiene at school and in the community.

  • Reducing absenteeism: When children are healthy, they are more likely to attend school. By teaching children the proper technique for handwashing, it can help to reduce the spread of germs and illnesses and therefore reduce absenteeism.

  • Building self-esteem: Teaching children the proper technique for handwashing can also help to build their self-esteem. By giving them the tools and knowledge to keep themselves clean and healthy, it can help to empower them and make them feel more in control of their own well-being.

Note that proper handwashing technique also helps to prevent cross-contamination, which is the transfer of microorganisms from one surface to another. By teaching children the proper technique for handwashing and making sure they have easy access to handwashing facilities, it can help to reduce the risk of cross-contamination in the school setting.

How to Teach Children Handwashing?

There are several ways to teach children about handwashing:

  • Modelling: One of the most effective ways to teach children about handwashing is by modelling the behaviour yourself. Children are more likely to follow the example of adults they trust, so be sure to wash your hands regularly and demonstrate the proper technique.

  • Hands-on instruction: Children learn best when they can see, hear and touch what they are learning. Have them practice washing their hands with soap and water, and explain the steps they need to take, such as wetting their hands, lathering up with soap, scrubbing for at least 20 seconds and rinsing off.

  • Use visual aids: Visual aids such as calendars, posters, diagrams, and videos can be very helpful in teaching children about handwashing. These can be used to show the steps involved in handwashing and to demonstrate the proper technique.

  • Reinforce the message: Make sure to remind children about the importance of handwashing and the correct technique regularly. Encourage them to wash their hands before and after meals, after using the bathroom, they return to class from play breaks and when they get home from school.

  • Make it fun: Children are more likely to engage in an activity if it is fun. You can make handwashing fun by using scented soaps, creating a handwashing song or rhyme, or by creating a handwashing game or fixing a colourful calendar above your handwashing facility.

Use Handwashing Heroes Calendar: The handwashing Heroes Calendar was designed specifically to help kids with better hygiene practices. The calendar can include daily reminders about the importance of handwashing, how to properly wash hands, and when to wash hands. It can also be illustrated with fun, colourful, and child-friendly content, such as pictures or cartoon characters demonstrating the steps of handwashing. This can help to make the information more engaging, fun and memorable for children. The calendar can be displayed in a visible place in the classroom or at home or pinned above handwashing facilities. Children can check it daily and mark off when they have washed their hands. This can be a fun and interactive way for children to learn about handwashing and develop good hygiene habits.

Order your calendar today to change a child's life for the better. There is no better way, than a fun way to emphasis the importance of personal hand hygiene in children. Help our young generation prevent the spread of germs and illnesses and help them understand how it can help keep them safe and healthy.


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