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5 Critical Duties of Food Businesses to Ensure the Health of Their Food Handlers

Discover the crucial responsibilities of food businesses in maintaining the health of their food handlers and ensuring food safety for customers.

As a food safety expert, I know that food businesses have a critical responsibility to ensure the health of their food handlers. Food handlers who are sick or carrying contagious diseases can easily contaminate food, leading to foodborne illness outbreaks. In this blog, we will discuss the duties of food businesses to protect the health of their food handlers and, ultimately, the safety of their customers.

Recording Staff Illnesses and Conditions

Food businesses should have a system in place for recording and monitoring the health of their food handlers. This system should include regular health checks and training for food handlers, which will help to identify any potential health risks. Food businesses should also require their staff to report any illnesses or conditions that may impact their ability to handle food safely.

Ensuring At-Risk Food Handlers Don't Contaminate During Preparation

Food businesses must take steps to ensure that food handlers who are at risk of contaminating food do not come into direct contact with it during the preparation process. This includes providing separate areas for food handlers who are sick or carrying contagious diseases, and ensuring that they do not handle food until they have fully recovered or have been cleared by a medical professional.

Providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Food businesses must provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to their food handlers to protect against the spread of diseases. PPE should include gloves, hairnets, face masks, and aprons. Food businesses should also ensure that food handlers wear PPE properly and dispose of it after use to prevent cross-contamination.

Enforcing Hygiene Practices

Food businesses must enforce strict hygiene practices to prevent the spread of disease. This includes regular hand washing, sanitizing work surfaces and equipment, and ensuring that food handlers do not touch their face, hair, or other parts of their body while handling food.

Training Food Handlers on Food Safety

Food businesses must provide regular training to their food handlers on food safety. This training should cover topics such as personal hygiene, food preparation and handling, and the importance of reporting illnesses and conditions to management.

Food businesses have a significant responsibility to protect the health of their food handlers and the safety of their customers. By recording staff illnesses and conditions, ensuring that food handlers who are at risk of contaminating food do not come into direct contact with it, providing personal protective equipment, enforcing hygiene practices, and training food handlers on food safety, food businesses can prevent the spread of disease and ensure the safety of their customers. It is essential that food businesses take these duties seriously and make the health and safety of their food handlers a top priority.


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